onsdag 1 april 2009


What other title is there? None.
I'm here, I'm well and superhappy! This will be a short first one because I've soon used up all the time that I give myself at the computer each day (1 h + 1 episode of series/movie). Achtung achtung!

What I would like to get of my chest is a bit of gratitude before anything else is said.
Thanks to everyone that came to my goodbye party and made it a superawesomest night. <3
Many thanks to Morgan, Josefine and Paulina; without you I wouldn't have made the packing in this orderly fashion. And especially you Morgan, you were a fucking rock! Love you for the last days in Sweden and Japan 2009 is going to rock as well!
Also many thanks to Isabelle who without really knowing it has been a great support these first days and the days to come. You have been a safe harbour to rest my thoughts in when the sea has been stormy elsewhere.
Thanks to Bror Max for the last few days and all the rest, you'll be the one I miss the most with your jokes, silent presence and unspoken love.
Also heaps and tons of everlasting love and deepest gratitude to my parents, Susanna, Dan, Phelix and Gudrun for without whom this trip would not be possible at all. Your undying support means a LOT to me and I love each and every one of you very, very much even though I'm not that good at expressing it always.

Now it's getting not that short and very sentimental over here and before I cry my eyes out (fucking tear canals) I will stop. Know that I mean all that I've said and so much more as well. And to those not mentioned by name, it's not cus I don't love you too.


2 kommentarer:

Bells sa...

Du bloggar, ergo du lever. Jag håller på att spricka av nyfikenhet här borta i Sverige. Jag vill veta precis allt, såklart! Men mest av allt är jag just nu nyfiken på hur din rumskompis är?! <3

hazukashii sa...

Jag funderar på att ta upp det där vi pratade med Chris om bara för att det var så himla kul, men vi får se, behövs lite mer övervägning först.. ^^