måndag 6 april 2009

the life of a cruiser

Ah, the sweet life. Nothing can stop me anymore. I am invincible. I can go anywhere. This is how I felt on the way home tonight.
You guessed it, I just bought a jitensha. And not just any bike, it's Kon. That's what I named him and he's awesome. We are going to do wicked stuff together. Ah, life is good.

I'm guessing that none of you really understand why I feel this invincibility just buying a bike. But try having to walk for at least 30 minutes wherever you want to go if you want to do something other than going to school for 12 days. I had to travel a long way (1,5 by walk) to get to the jitensha-ya (bike-shop) that I had been told by one of my locals was good but totally worth it! 8500 yen for my awesome Kon and that's including registration and loads of awesomeness! I will probably hate myself every time I want to go up a slope (you'll see when I upload the pictures) but, hey, what is life for? Awesomeness or going up slopes? Probably both but i prefer to see it from a awesome point of view. Cuz I'm just that awesome.
All I wanna do is do it Pocahontas-style and attach some portable speakers and blast my way through Kyoto. Ah, miss you Poca..
Hum.. so now the awesome-count is up to seven so I'll stop talking 'bout Kon and how awesome (8) he is.

On my way home I saw some cherry-trees in full bloom, they get a special feeling about them at night. It's so serenely beautiful that I don't really know what to do. It's like listening to Håkan Hellström. You fall in love every time with anyone. And the smell, oh. The world is worth saving solely because of cherry-blossoms.
I wish all of you could see them as I do now, but my pictures will have to do(also coming later).

Also I had my first "special-needs-child"-lesson (it's only what I call them). It's for the ones that knew not as much as the other little children at the placement-test yesterday. I will have another one tomorrow and they are sugoi. I like being back at the school bench. Oh, and I got a "special-needs-child"-book as well to study hiragana/katakana in, also sugoi.

What more? Hum. I got picked up (flirted with) at the grocery-shop today by someone working there (I think we have a kind of date Saturday?) and I found a new friend in the guy who sold me the bike (funny story, we had almost all of our conversation over a Japanese version of Google translate. "Please make friends" was what he wrote to me when I had paid and was about to leave, aw). And tomorrow some of the Swedes at the school and all who wants to come aer going to have a more classic hanami at the canal close to Imadegawa-dori!

Enjoy life!
Yours truly,

4 kommentarer:

hazukashii sa...

Hahahaha! Well, as you say, it's not like I choose it.. ^^ I just can't help it.. I'm sugoi. (lulz)

And about the memory part, as you might know, I have the same problem. Sucks heaps. Feelin' ya sistah!

Bells sa...

Härligt med ett litet mer peppat inlägg istället för de tidigare lite mer deprimerande inläggen om boendesituationen. Ps. Jag är sämst på att svara på Facebook men jag ska bättra mig!

hazukashii sa...

Haha, generellt är jag fett pepp och börjar faktiskt undra om jag kanske är lyckligast i Kyoto just nu.. Jag är helt seriöst superglad att jag är här och som jag tänkte tidigare idag så är det här ett cresendo i mitt liv..


awesomeneeeesssss! Psyklar is the shite! (Jävla japanska hela tiden jag fattar noll.. eller ett)