torsdag 2 april 2009


Today my roommate arrived and I finally ended my ambivalence about whether it was going to be "daijobu" (fine, OK) or not. It won't. So tomorrow apartment-hunting begins. I got the offer to stay in another room in the dormitory but this one is my home now, and if I can't live in this on my own then I'm pretty confident that I can find a cheeper option on the market based on the conversations I had with some local gaijin (foreigners) yesterday at McLoughlin's.
We have to see if the school thinks it's fine to break the contract or not and if I can have the money back. Something that should speak for me is that I told them in advance that I was not happy with my current situation. Well well, we'll see.

Sleep thight party people!


2 kommentarer:

POCAA sa...


Varför är det inte going to be fine jao? Är det en hunk som tafsar på dig som ska bo i ditt rum?

hazukashii sa...

Pocaaaaa! Fan va najs att du läser bloggishen! Du be the man! Jag är beroende av The Shins-Australia, den är bäääst häst i täst!

Hade nog vart enklare omre va en dude. Lättare att umgås med typ. Nä, vi msnare nån dag va.