lördag 11 april 2009

fucking hell.

Yet again SI manage to amaze me. As I told all of you I was going to study both Japanese and Art & Design. Well, obviously not. The last few days I found out from Robert (another Swede traveling via SI) that you DO have to have some knowledge of the language which I was told not was necessary. He also told me that Linda (the previous coach) had told him this when he tried to apply to the course. I was given no such notice. I'm starting to go numb to all the shit they pull.
What kind of ******* ********** work at SI?
Well. Email sent to ******* Josefine (the new coach since Linda is on maternity leave) at SI and let's see what she can come up with this time. Better be fucking good.

Hum. Ja (Japanese for well), over to more pleasant things. Yesterday I had my first class and got to meet every one. Oh and right; I ended up in the Basic C (Shokyuu C in Japanese) which is the most basic of all basicness there is. Suits me perfect!
We have three different teachers and we're in school from 9-12.30 every day. We will recive homework (shyukudai) every day and should also be prepared for the next lesson, reading the next chapter and checking words we don't know and so forth. So I have my first real homework. Even though we don't really start until Monday. ^^ Lulz.
Next Friday we'll start with kanji, the Chinese writing system that is also used in Japanese, jikes, spare no expenses!

Weather is continuously fucking beautiful and generally Swedish hot summer like. Eian! (Kansai ((a dialect of Kyoto and other areas in Japan)) for Sugoi which all of you know what that is by now!) But I would rather it stayed this way the rest of the summer cuz it's getting hotter and hotter all of the time. This is perfect although I can't really use my balcony for longer periods than fifteen minutes during the day. Looking forward to the skirts mum is sending me and will be arriving next week. Evenings though, FUCKING AWESOME! Beautiful sunsets every night and perfect temperature. This Wednesday I went to a temple during the evening and oh, perfect time to go!
Starting to become suntanned as well suckers! Oh joy!

And I lost my favorite eraser yesterday at school. Hopefully it'll be back. I'll get back to you with more details later on.

Live life for the lulz,

4 kommentarer:

Morgan! sa...

Allting låter ju skit skoj med SI, skulle skickat dem brevbomber vid det här laget. Annars verkar det ju awesomness!!! Men vart är bilderna från din kamera jag bad om xD?

Anonym sa...

Alltså det är sååååå svårt att få en gmailadressss.....

hazukashii sa...

Anonym: Huh?

Denise Paz sa...

åh vad spännande det låter som du har. :D all luck to you favorite!