måndag 16 november 2009

long time, no do

The last Saturday I did something that I haven't done in ages. I woke up, and then I read. For 5 hours, straight. It was wonderful, and what was more wonderful, the book! "Vindens skugga" is what it's called in Swedish and fully one of the best books I've ever read. I can strongly recommend this book with a vivid language and a very captivating plot. After I finished it I've been longing to start a new book, which I bought today (can't wait until I can go to bed and read!).

Yesterday before I went to sleep I found out the most wonderful thing. One of my absolute favourite bands, a band that I've been saying is the band I want to see the most right now is coming where, yes, JAPAN! And I have a ticket and I'm freakishly psyched!
When I found out yesterday I fully started to cry happy tears and giggle not unlike a maniac. Hiro who I was talking to on Skype started getting a little bit nervous since I couldn't answer him as to why I was crying like that. Also Ayu was wondering "why I was making those sounds".
I've already started to think what to wear and how it will feel when I'm on my way to Osaka. Oh my, all most makes me cry happy tears again.

Now it's only three days until I'm in the air on my way to London, wohooo! Time flies by!

Sleep tight!

2 kommentarer:

Sandra (din kusin) sa...

Hejsan My, saknar dig väldigt mycket hoppas att du har dig bra här hemma är det helt okej, allt rullar på som vanligt med farmor. Och jag hoppas att när jag fyller år får en system kamera. så när du kommer hit och hälsar på så kan vi foto ;) addresen som jag sandrrrasfoto.blogg.se är min blogg kolla på den och ser hur mitt liv är.

Massor av Hugs Sandra.

Sandra sa...

Tackar, ja jag fick armbandet och det är jätte fint verkligen :D fortsätt gärna läsa min blogg försöker läsa din :)

Kramar Sandra