söndag 1 november 2009


This last sunday I was mighty proud of myself. I managed to do A LOT. A lot I tell you. I even did all my economy stuff on time (I have, for the first time, found a way of keeping track of my economy in a way that I could handle for a longer period than a month, YAY ME! I'm doing fucking good I tell you guys!). I fixed doors, made the Loveshack more efficient. I did some homework. I made food (enough to bring for lunch for me and Ayu for the next day to!). And so on and so on. Do you think I slept well?

Yesterday me and Ayu started talking about our future plans in a more serious way. We realised that there is only 4 months left of our studies at KICL and after that we need to have a job. I NEED a job in a more accute way than Ayu since she has a Japanese passport so she can stay here for as long as she wishes without trouble. I on the other hand need the work to be able to get a working visa and stay here at all without beeing kicked out of the country. So we started looking for work yesterday and we'll see what it gives!

Whish me luck e'ryone!

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