torsdag 12 november 2009

the countdown

In a week now I will arrive in London soon and there at the airport my lovely, lovely Hiro is going to be waiting for me. I'm getting more and more psyched for every day that goes by. I can't wait.

In addition to the other things I have to make a decision in right now, I also have to make a big decision. A couple of months ago I had a tounge piercing done at Kansais best piercer, at the awesome Scamp here in Kyoto. I wasn't able to keep from doing all of the things I was supppsed to at the time like not drinking alcohol and generally leeding a normal healty life. It is still swollen so I started getting worried (a number of friends said I should just take it out but I'm in love with it and would not like to part with it if not neccessary). This friday a friend of mine, Robert convinced me to go and check it with the piercer (which I had tried to avoid in case he would say I have to take it out) after I told him I wasn't drinking alcohol from now on because of the piercing . Said and done I went back and didn't get the answer I was expecting. He told me to continue to not drink alcohol, sleep well, do mouthwash and not to touch it.
The twist is that next sunday is my birthday, 20th birthday. A sober 20th birthday? Really? I don't know. There is a great conflict in me, one part of me says "why not sober?!" the other one says "you only turn 20 once, you're young, come on". The former is for the moment stronger. I'll tell you later who wins.

Ciao bella!

2 kommentarer:

K sa...

Systemet! Here in Sweden at least.

A part of me is really happy for you, and a part of me thinks you suck for not being here so that we could have one big party for the both of us ;)

hazukashii sa...

Haha! Well then my dear friend, you'll have to have some sort of celebration with me when I visit Sthlm for three days between the 1-4th of January, how about it?