torsdag 30 april 2009

that's that, I've seen it all.

I've had the single most weird night here in Japan so far.
It started (OK, no it didn't but we'll leave that part out) with me going to meet Serjio after finishing my studies.
While I was waiting for Serjio at Sanjo I started talking to a guy and his friends drops by. Then along comes Serjio. While we are standing there talking to the Japanese three other Japanese walk by and one of them points at me and says; I MEET YOU IN THE FLOGGING MOLLY CONCERT.
I mean just that is weird, that he remembered me and recognized me on the street in the dark in a different city two weeks later. Apparently he was the guy who stage dived just before me at the concert.
BUT this is the weirdest part. He speaks Norwegian.
He is apparently interested in Scandinavian politics (?!) so he studied in Norway for 4 years. So I spoke Swedish with him and he understood. He spoke Norwegian back and I understood. It ended up with us speaking three different languages together and. Yeah. I just couldn't stop laughing. I never thought I would see the day. とってもへん!

And, and, and!!!!!! (I hate using many ! but this requires it). Mr.Hi-I-like-Scandinavian-politics-for-no-apparent-reason and the rest of us went to a bar. After a while we come to the subject music (only a matter of time) and Saosin comes up. So he tells me that they are playing here this summer. HERE, or well, Tokyo or Osaka, but I mean HEEY!!! SAOSIN! And so we speak a little more about that they are coming and he shows me the line-up for the festival. FUCKINGEXTRASUPERAWESOMELYNICE! I mean some of my absolute fucking favorites are coming to the same fucking festival while I'm in Japan and I'm fucking going!
Linkin Park, Matisyahu, Nine Inch Nails, Kasabian, My Chemical Romance, The Specials, Placebo, Keane, Mando Diao, Mew, SAOSIN! Fuck it's gonna be awesome!
It's expensive but belieeeve me, I'm going. As I said to him right after I asked how much it was; It doesn't really matter. Again I couldn't stop smiling. It was physically impossible.

This Japan-trip is getting more and more awesome on the music front. I could tell you more about ME+JAPAN+MUSIC=TRUE. But now I want to study.

I'm awesomely much in it for the lulz.

(by the way, I'm sorry for all the swearwords and ! and capital letters but I can't help it, I'm just THAT exited)

lördag 25 april 2009


Ok, so I lied. New info didn't come soon. But now it's time. Sugoi desu ne?
I got my packages from mum so now I rock school every day with new nice outfits. I'm awesome.
And speaking of clothes we did laundry for the first time two days ago. It took some time but when we all put our wise heads together we made it. It only took all the four of us and different skills from all of us. (Me and Karin have a wash machine on the balcony but since I'm environmentally involved I invited Robert and Serjio to share the laundry.) So we made it and I now have clean underwear again.

And I bought my new phone! It's like my old one with a keyboard but smaller and I get all information in Japanese. Guess how that's going?!
To email (yep, the phenomenon with sms is not very big in Japan) my phone you use
And haha, I got last months bill for my Swedish phone that I've been using here until I got the Japanese one. 1145 Swedish kronor. Luls.

This week we found out the schedule for our tests. So almost ever week we have a "little" kanji-test. That is 48 kanji every week. YAAAAY. not. Then we will have a "big" one wich is 550 kanji. Also YAY. not.
So this weekend I will study some more than I usually do because we also have a test of all the chapters we've had so far in the textbook. I've bought a electronic dictionary wich is totally awesome. Makes it so much easier to study. Anotherthing that's sugoi is that Serjio showed me how to write in kana on my computer. So from here on there might pop up some Japanese words in kana in the blog. Look forward to it guys.

Some people are coming over for a "förfest"/"preparty" at my place in a hour and a half and then we are going to "study" some Japanese pronounciation at the bar. So now. Hardcore studytime.

We're only in it for the lulz.

torsdag 16 april 2009

Ga suki desu!

Oh man. I love this country in so many ways. Probably one of the best ones are getting emails from Japanese. AH, AMAZING. You can totally understand what they are saying but the formulations has got to come from some badly working Google-translator. I love it!

Starting to get some friends and more and more events planned. The trip to Osaka and Flogging Molly was also awesomeness multiplied buy awesomeness. And that's a story you'll definitely hear sometime when I get back.
Not either surprised that the most obnoxious guy I've met so far is a Swedish rock artist. Met him at Rock Rock when I was in Osaka. If I could just remember which band he plays in. So help me, which Swedish rock bands do you know? Gimmiegimmiegimmie!

More updates soon e'ryone!


lördag 11 april 2009

fucking hell.

Yet again SI manage to amaze me. As I told all of you I was going to study both Japanese and Art & Design. Well, obviously not. The last few days I found out from Robert (another Swede traveling via SI) that you DO have to have some knowledge of the language which I was told not was necessary. He also told me that Linda (the previous coach) had told him this when he tried to apply to the course. I was given no such notice. I'm starting to go numb to all the shit they pull.
What kind of ******* ********** work at SI?
Well. Email sent to ******* Josefine (the new coach since Linda is on maternity leave) at SI and let's see what she can come up with this time. Better be fucking good.

Hum. Ja (Japanese for well), over to more pleasant things. Yesterday I had my first class and got to meet every one. Oh and right; I ended up in the Basic C (Shokyuu C in Japanese) which is the most basic of all basicness there is. Suits me perfect!
We have three different teachers and we're in school from 9-12.30 every day. We will recive homework (shyukudai) every day and should also be prepared for the next lesson, reading the next chapter and checking words we don't know and so forth. So I have my first real homework. Even though we don't really start until Monday. ^^ Lulz.
Next Friday we'll start with kanji, the Chinese writing system that is also used in Japanese, jikes, spare no expenses!

Weather is continuously fucking beautiful and generally Swedish hot summer like. Eian! (Kansai ((a dialect of Kyoto and other areas in Japan)) for Sugoi which all of you know what that is by now!) But I would rather it stayed this way the rest of the summer cuz it's getting hotter and hotter all of the time. This is perfect although I can't really use my balcony for longer periods than fifteen minutes during the day. Looking forward to the skirts mum is sending me and will be arriving next week. Evenings though, FUCKING AWESOME! Beautiful sunsets every night and perfect temperature. This Wednesday I went to a temple during the evening and oh, perfect time to go!
Starting to become suntanned as well suckers! Oh joy!

And I lost my favorite eraser yesterday at school. Hopefully it'll be back. I'll get back to you with more details later on.

Live life for the lulz,

tisdag 7 april 2009

the crow is black even if it's been abroad

Gatljusen blinkar gult och gatorna står tomma
Fötterna värker och knäna skriker;
jag har gått för länge igen.
Men lyckan är där någonstans;
bubblar, sjuder, viskar för att sen gå i falsett,
de där gångerna. Du vet.
Det är inte kärlek, det är inte fysisk njutning. Det är just det;

No title, 5/4-09


måndag 6 april 2009

the life of a cruiser

Ah, the sweet life. Nothing can stop me anymore. I am invincible. I can go anywhere. This is how I felt on the way home tonight.
You guessed it, I just bought a jitensha. And not just any bike, it's Kon. That's what I named him and he's awesome. We are going to do wicked stuff together. Ah, life is good.

I'm guessing that none of you really understand why I feel this invincibility just buying a bike. But try having to walk for at least 30 minutes wherever you want to go if you want to do something other than going to school for 12 days. I had to travel a long way (1,5 by walk) to get to the jitensha-ya (bike-shop) that I had been told by one of my locals was good but totally worth it! 8500 yen for my awesome Kon and that's including registration and loads of awesomeness! I will probably hate myself every time I want to go up a slope (you'll see when I upload the pictures) but, hey, what is life for? Awesomeness or going up slopes? Probably both but i prefer to see it from a awesome point of view. Cuz I'm just that awesome.
All I wanna do is do it Pocahontas-style and attach some portable speakers and blast my way through Kyoto. Ah, miss you Poca..
Hum.. so now the awesome-count is up to seven so I'll stop talking 'bout Kon and how awesome (8) he is.

On my way home I saw some cherry-trees in full bloom, they get a special feeling about them at night. It's so serenely beautiful that I don't really know what to do. It's like listening to Håkan Hellström. You fall in love every time with anyone. And the smell, oh. The world is worth saving solely because of cherry-blossoms.
I wish all of you could see them as I do now, but my pictures will have to do(also coming later).

Also I had my first "special-needs-child"-lesson (it's only what I call them). It's for the ones that knew not as much as the other little children at the placement-test yesterday. I will have another one tomorrow and they are sugoi. I like being back at the school bench. Oh, and I got a "special-needs-child"-book as well to study hiragana/katakana in, also sugoi.

What more? Hum. I got picked up (flirted with) at the grocery-shop today by someone working there (I think we have a kind of date Saturday?) and I found a new friend in the guy who sold me the bike (funny story, we had almost all of our conversation over a Japanese version of Google translate. "Please make friends" was what he wrote to me when I had paid and was about to leave, aw). And tomorrow some of the Swedes at the school and all who wants to come aer going to have a more classic hanami at the canal close to Imadegawa-dori!

Enjoy life!
Yours truly,

lördag 4 april 2009

hasty desicions

I've gotten a lot of worried reply's to my last entry so I want to calm all of you by saying that it's not that bad. My first reaction was a tad bit to strong. It's not the ideal situation and I will continue searching for an apartment of my own but not as hurriedly. And if I find something very cheap and suitable I'll go for it. But for now I'm good with this.

Last night I was out clubbing for the first time, minimal was the music and it was awesome though it was nothing at all like what it would have been in Sweden. No one knew how to dance properly to the music (whoever is to say what proper is). And EVERYONE had clothes on. Well, have to admit that minimal is not what I usually party to but at least girls usually go with not that much clothes on to these events. I also missed the guy who always puts incense in the speakers. But I got to dance to some quality music and was totally and utterly happy 'bout it.

I also met some locals that actually were Japanese this time. They will show me some sights and good sushi-places as well soon.
Earlier yesterday I met another local who is taking me to a sakura(cherry-blossom)-viewing-event at a shop tomorrow after I have had my placement-test at 9 pm.

I don't really know what to expect from the placement-test so I don't think about it but I will study more hiragana/katakana today. I'm feeling well about staying in today cus it's raining and I walked for about 7 hours yesterday.

I'm fit and I know it!

Ja ne,

torsdag 2 april 2009


Today my roommate arrived and I finally ended my ambivalence about whether it was going to be "daijobu" (fine, OK) or not. It won't. So tomorrow apartment-hunting begins. I got the offer to stay in another room in the dormitory but this one is my home now, and if I can't live in this on my own then I'm pretty confident that I can find a cheeper option on the market based on the conversations I had with some local gaijin (foreigners) yesterday at McLoughlin's.
We have to see if the school thinks it's fine to break the contract or not and if I can have the money back. Something that should speak for me is that I told them in advance that I was not happy with my current situation. Well well, we'll see.

Sleep thight party people!


onsdag 1 april 2009


What other title is there? None.
I'm here, I'm well and superhappy! This will be a short first one because I've soon used up all the time that I give myself at the computer each day (1 h + 1 episode of series/movie). Achtung achtung!

What I would like to get of my chest is a bit of gratitude before anything else is said.
Thanks to everyone that came to my goodbye party and made it a superawesomest night. <3
Many thanks to Morgan, Josefine and Paulina; without you I wouldn't have made the packing in this orderly fashion. And especially you Morgan, you were a fucking rock! Love you for the last days in Sweden and Japan 2009 is going to rock as well!
Also many thanks to Isabelle who without really knowing it has been a great support these first days and the days to come. You have been a safe harbour to rest my thoughts in when the sea has been stormy elsewhere.
Thanks to Bror Max for the last few days and all the rest, you'll be the one I miss the most with your jokes, silent presence and unspoken love.
Also heaps and tons of everlasting love and deepest gratitude to my parents, Susanna, Dan, Phelix and Gudrun for without whom this trip would not be possible at all. Your undying support means a LOT to me and I love each and every one of you very, very much even though I'm not that good at expressing it always.

Now it's getting not that short and very sentimental over here and before I cry my eyes out (fucking tear canals) I will stop. Know that I mean all that I've said and so much more as well. And to those not mentioned by name, it's not cus I don't love you too.
