tisdag 8 juni 2010

a year

Two days ago it was a year ago that Sweden had it's National Day, so naturally there was one this year too. More importantly for me it marked a huuuge change in my life. That day it was a year ago that I met Hiro the first time. So so so much has changed in this year and it's for the better.
When I think back of who I was and where I was in life this time last year I'm so happy for everything that has changed. <3

In school we have finished our first skirt and my skirt is now the one of the first ones on sale in Obra, the store our school has. We are at the moment making a blouse and I'm really excited about how it's going to turn out!
At the same time we have finished the designs for the dresses we are going to make after the blouses and that we will use in our fashion show the 7/31. By intion from me we are now making the fashion show a lot bigger than planned by the teachers. (we were supposed to have it in the lounge of the school and only for people in the school) Now things are looking really good and I'm freakishly psyked about how the result will be.

Now breakfast!

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