söndag 31 maj 2009

the money, of course, is of no importance but i find your challenge irresistible

Oi gov'naas!
Today I saw my first live water filled rice patch! Yay! It's just outside my front window and kind of amazing. Makes me think of old Japanese movies.

I've also noticed that my English is getting worse. All my languages are mixed up. It's a jungle but it's all good. Japanese is progressing and that's what I'm here for so I'm happy!

I spend waaay to much time down at Sanjo. Or no I don't, for me it's awesome! But I'm almost never home. I love Sanjo. And I love Starbucks and Kamogawa and everything else that is close by! So I almost never use the internet so I have to say I'm sorry for not keeping in touch so much!

Last week we had a few days of because of the swine flu. But it's all bullshit I think cuz almost no one is infected in Kyoto. The biggest school wasn't even closed and that is the biggest risk of spreadding. Haven't heard anything about it for a few days either. For now it has blown over here in Kyoto. Because we had days of last week we have to come to school on Saturdays instead. BLÄ! But at least they are not taking it from our summer vacation so I'm satisfyed anyway.

Two weeks ago I bought a plant and guess what everybody? It's still alive! Yay! I'm quite impressed by myself since I usually kill everything green in my care.

Wells! I'm off to more kanji studys and some Skypeing!

Ya neee!

torsdag 21 maj 2009


Hey everyone!
Now I've been absent from the blog for a while for many reasons, mainly because I'm lazy when it comes to the blog.
I've had a great time since last I saw you. Still loving Kyoto from the bottom of my heart.
It's starting to get really hot now. Not really hot but the moist is coming. Little bit closer every day. It's scary (I think I say this in every blog entry but it has to be said) cus it's only month 5 and number 8 is the hottest. I don't ever wear anything warmer than a "kavaj". And when you're riding your bike home from Sanjo like I did tonight I didn't even have to wear my thin thin parka.

Tonight I met the first person I strongly disliked from the beginning and did not want to talk to. (yeah well exept for that weird guy Rob from last weekend that I just don't like eiter but in a totally different way and almost forgivable seeing that he was shitfaced.) This guy was sober and from the States and was sitting next to me while I was studying at Starbucks just now. He started to talk to me like most gaijin do with each other if they sit close long enough. He commented on me studying kanjis and I it's to complicated and to late to explain why but he instantly made me feel uneasy.
So when Sou (my friend) jumped me from behind and strangled me in a friendly way while I was leaving Starbucks I was almost shitting my pants. Wää! Just feels weird cus most people who I speak to here I instantly like or at least could have a decent conversation with but this guy...

Anyway, おやすみなさい!

fredag 8 maj 2009

it's on the tip of my tounge it's on the back of my lounge

It was a long long time ago that I was this happy thanks to one person. And in a not constructed way, just purely and simply happy.
I smile all the time and I can't really stop.
But no more of this right now. We'll have to see what happens.