torsdag 25 november 2010

mental growth

Soooo, long time no see. As usual I might say.
It is actually amazing to thing back and realise how fast time passes.
It is now a little bit over a year since I stopped drinking alcohol I realised when I had my birthday the other day. I could think back on the last year and realise that I haven't been drinking much at all the last year and I am really proud of myself. *patting my own head*

As it now happens I have a new problem in front of me that also means mental growth for me. I know it will go well because I know myself and I know that this has to happen in order for me to be truly happy. When I think back of my time here in Japan I am so grateful that I got the chance to make this trip. It has made me stronger and if I had never met all the people I have met here, seen all the things that I've seen or been let into the Japanese culture like I have I would never have been able to make these changes. Thank you Japan, thanks to all of my friends here in Japan and everyone who has gone back or gone to a new place in life! You are all a part of this new My.
What I need now is to continue to cultivate the plants and seeds that I have in my mental garden and the future will be brighter than ever the past was.

The best is yet to come, smile big, live with passion.

So from a slightly spiritual My to all of you,
Happy Thanksgiving!

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