onsdag 5 augusti 2009


This weekend I'm going to my first Jap music festival and it feels like I've never been to a festival in my entire life. I have no clue how much of my Swedish festival experience I can actually use. I know that I won't be able to schmack up a tent and crawl into conveniently placed on a camp close to the stage. Is there gonna be mud? Will I be able to se a single artist without queing for decent spots for ages? Will I faint when I see Saosin? Feels so weird not to be on top of things especially since I'm going alone the first two days. ADVENTURE TIME! I'm psyked as usuall. Haha.

Gogo ME!

söndag 2 augusti 2009


So I've had my first cockroach in my house. I am not surprised cuz it's really just disgusting there nowadays when I go back. So far I've been back three nights the last three weeks and had to spend most of the time cleaning up the place. Yeah, Hiro's place is like heaven comparing to my appartment. Basically no chance of getting roaches here oh no siree. Looking forward to when I move together with mah mate Ayu next month! It'll be heaps of fun I'm sure!

Roach on everybody!